Friday, March 23, 2012

Random Bites of Life

This blog is entirely random, but I think important enough to jot down.  As this is a personal journal, I want to remember the random events just as much as the important ones.So brace yourself for a string of random.

1).  I finally started watching Dr. Who and WOW!  I friggin love it!  I still can't stop missing Eccelston, though.  He has such a dominant, sexy, mysterious vibe about him.  *swoon*  I would highly recommend this show even if you're not a big geek.  However, you do have to have some amount of threshold for cheesy, but the stories, the writing, the creativity of it all is marvelous!
2.)  Republican Primaries for the Presidential Elections (I told you this would be random)

For this time-capsule-ish blog, I would like to record my frustration in this year's choices for Republican candidates.   I will most likely be voting for Obama in the presidential elections because, as I stated on my facebook status :

Santorum has ignorant views of gays and opposes both same sex marriage and birth control (right, because we can ALL afford to have 7 children). Gingrich resigned from Speaker of the House and has changed religions as often as he's changed wives. I can't even stand to look at Mitt Romney. And Ron Paul who? Sigh.

Ron Paul, a Libertarian, is the closest to what I would consider being a Republican candidate that focuses on the issues rather than slandering others, he has an outstanding career track record, and he has served in our country's military forces.  Yet, he won't even have a shot at it because Mitt Romney... *shudders*... is far in the lead ahead of anyone.  I cannot like this person.  Santorum is not any better of a candidate although he does like to play the "pauper" in the elections and whine about how much more money Romney has than he.  Santorum has belligerent and ignorant views of homosexuals and same sex marriage... well that's almost typical of any Republican candidate.  Gingrich.. hah!  No.  If you haven't watched any of the primary debates, I encourage you to watch at least 5 minutes of Romney and Santorum.  Everytime I watch them and then look at the numbers...

3.)  New Apps:

Scramble with Friends
If you have an iPhone, play it!  It's so fun! 

OkCupid App- Really well done!

Audiobooks App- For nights when I can't sleep!

4.)  My FIRST Earth Sammie!

Top: Andrew from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Bottom: Me, Houston, Texas, United States

5.)  Cure for the Blues.
When you're down, get down with this Cool Cat


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