Thursday, October 27, 2011

Weekly wrap-up

I know the week isn't over but Thursdays seem like the end of the week to me because even if I'm working on Fridays, my brain is totally already on the weekend the entire day.  So instead of taking up one of my fun days to do a wrap-up, I think Thursday is a great day to do a re-cap on the week so far. Here goes:

1) Alleigh, my baby cousin turns 3 today!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, beautiful girl!
I am so happy I got to celebrate her 3rd birthday with her in my hometown.  She had a huge moonwalk and slide there that all the "big kids" like my step-dad and uncle played on and she did such a wonderful time greeting everyone as they came in.  I saw her last on Mother's Day and she was a lot more reserved and shy, but this time she ran up to me and hugged me and said "You're here!"  I felt so loved!  Here is a picture of us at Mother's Day.  We were learning badminton at my parent's lakehouse.  Her mother said she would get me some pics of her birthday soon so when I get those I may post those later.

2) Jobs- I have a job!  I'm working as a substitute teacher again and I've also been asked to interpret for a 5th grade deaf/hard of hearing girl.  I'm nervous about that position because my ASL skills are decreasing by the day it seems.  I guess all I can do is try and hope for the best :)  I'm really excited to have some work though and do what I love doing which is teaching (but without all the bureaucracy and extra meetings).  I've also applied to a life-changing career position that I won't say much about until I have more progress on that front.  The job is something I've wanted since I was a kid and I'm finally getting an opportunity to live it out.  I can't wait!  :)

3) Old Friends- I had dinner with my best friend from high school tonight.  I had such a nice time and I love it when a friendship can pickup right where it started.  The same was true this past weekend when I saw my best friend in my hometown; We laughed and chatted just like yesterday was the last day we saw each other.  Anyway, in the dinner tonight I got to catch up with news from other friends and adventures that had been had.  I also realized my 10 year reunion is coming up rather quickly.  I'm hoping that I will have some really awesome excuse for not being there because I REALLY don't want to go.  Oy.  I feel old.

4) New Obsession- is a fun website that categorizes images and videos into your own personal folders of things you like.  I have several boards already and have categorized them by crafts I want to do, Quotes I like, My perfect partner, and a couple of food categories.  I am absolutely in love with this site and have already found inspiration for this weekend's craft so stay tuned!  Click here if you want to see my boards.  If you signup add me as a friend!  I'd love to see what things you pin!

5) New Coldplay album has been added to my repertoire and put on repeat.  Here's one of the songs I really enjoy from the new album

6) Movie I watched this week at the theatre: Paranormal Activity 3.
I've always had an affinity for scary movies whether they are good or bad, thriller or horror I just simply get a kick out of scaring myself.

7) My top 5 favorite pics of the week

Tomorrow is Friday and also the day I reveal my halloween costume to you all *snickers*  I hope everyone has an awesome Friday, I know I am!  God Bless!

-Little Bird


Tishi Kozlov said...

So how was Paranormal Activity 3? ;) And I cannot wait to see your costume! <3

Little Bird said...

Hey Tish! Oh gosh I'll have to disappoint you with the costume until next weekend. Hehe I didn't end up doing anything for Halloween BUT I am going to Ren Fair this coming weekend with Commander Chakotay (aka Valen) and I'll be somewhat dressed up for that. hehe. I will have a halloween theme tomorrow though, so no worries!

And the movie was AWESOME. Almost peed my britches!

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